The larger the company, the slower the mills often grind. On the one hand, there are motivated employees who want to drive a topic forward; on the other hand, there are decision-makers who often oppose this with phrases such as “no budget”, “other projects” or “no time”.
However, I have already explained in several articles how important the topic of monitoring is today. Reason enough to give you some powerful arguments today to refute the postponement arguments of your boss and to convince him of the urgency of social media monitoring.
Full-service provider
Probably the most frequently used excuse is: We don’t have time or other projects have priority at the moment. However, people are always talking about products and brands. Not knowing what is on the minds of the target groups at the moment will mean the end of a company in the short or long term. So-called full-service providers prepare the most important insights from the social web in such a way that the results can be used immediately and in a targeted manner.
Monitoring as a basis
Another phrase that is often used is: “Before we spend money on social media monitoring, we should first build up our corporate channels. However, the approach should be the other way around. The results from monitoring show which channels customers are using and what they want from the company and its products. Intelligent social media monitoring thus forms the basis for a successful and sustainable social media presence.
Qualitative insights are not free
Also gladly taken: We don’t have a budget for social media monitoring at the moment and therefore use free tools for now. Of course, there are free solutions that provide an initial overview of the social web. However, companies then have to work out the insights themselves. This in turn costs time and therefore money. An incomplete database, erroneous contributions, lack of experience and the necessary manual post-processing also make it difficult to identify reliable insights. At first glance, the tools may appear to be free of charge, but in order to gain significant insights, either internal human resources, paid tools or specialized service providers are required.
Industry and topic monitoring
There has been little talk about us so far, so the conversations on the social web have no meaning for us. No question, there are not thousands of relevant posts about every company. Nevertheless, companies can identify exciting information by monitoring topics or observing competitors. Especially in industries about which there is not a mass of conversation, competitive advantages can also be realized. Last but not least, without continuous monitoring, companies run the risk of only learning about shitstorms from the press. On the other hand, potential trouble spots could be detected and responded to as soon as they arise.
Today, social media monitoring has many more facets than it did a few years ago. There are specialized and full-service providers for every need. The often low costs are therefore disproportionate to the risks and the missed opportunities or insights if a company does not carry out monitoring. Therefore, remain persistent and convince your boss with the appropriate arguments.
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